Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Michael Jackson died a couple of days ago.
I always thought he would live forever. This is so weird. I'm so sad. I'm not even this sad when people I know die. sigh. Greatest loss thus far. I still can't believe it.

We just watched the Michael Jacksons Memorial. It was really a beautiful ceremony. The eulogies were great. I really feel for his children and his family. It must really suck. I mean I don't know him, 90 percent of the people who love him don't really know him and yet we're all..i don't even know how to put it.

I always thought I'd get to see him someday but I guess living in the same era is good enough. Michelle is damn lucky. She went to his concert when she was a kid. Amazing i tell you.

I found it repulsive how the first thing some people did was to log unto facebook and join every RIP MJ group they could find. SERIOUSLY He's so terribly exploited.