I have friends. Unfortunately though, I only need a couple of finger(4 maybe?? 3?) to count the number of them who don't have a self induced eating disorders, who aren't trying desperately to have one or who aren't starving themselves and exercising excessively to lose a couple of pounds for no apparent reason. This is probably why I like Melissa more than most people, she doesn't strive to look anoerexic. And even if she did, she wouldn't go around moaning and bitching about it all the time.
Like what is the damn world coming to, everyone just wants to be a clone of what they see on tv which is not only sad but pathetic too. And you wonder why I can't stand most people. They are just a photo copy of each other with slight variations.
(when is skinny jeans going to go out of fashion??, THIS IS NOT ABOUT EMO'S. guys should not wear girl's jeans. THIS IS AGAIN NOT ABOUT EMO'S though I'm really not a big fan)
You guys should all just wear masks to hide your starving faces. Everything else is pretty much the same right. ((Clothes, accesories, nail polish, shoes, walk, talk, cigarette in hand))
People suck. I wanna go back to Thailand. At least people there are nicer and they are not all slaves to the damn media. Go Ladyboys, I love you to death.
It's pretty amazing how much I can read when I'm not being distracted by evil(WWW).
I finished Survivor and I'm halfway through Haunted. I (heart) Chuck Palahniuk.
I would trade 'people' for a thousand Tender Branson's anytime.
See you later innovator.