So yesterday was pretty damn good cause we went to see the all american rejects, they played so few songs but the stuff they did play was great except the new song cause i really hate their new song. the old albums however, are the best. I did not even know they were playing here until like the day before when jd bear told me. I was like WHAT. NO!! turned out to be true. Apparantly it was only advertised on the radio. I don't listen to the radio ever cause firstly, I don't own a radio and secondly, they play the same crappy songs over and over and over again. Thank God I know radio listening people.
It was free so I did not have to use my travel fund. Which is actually empty right now cause I spent the money I had on trying to make my one dream come true. Its going pretty good but I just wish I had the tools to help me progress at a faster pace. Hoping the second half of the year brings all the good things I intend to get.
Right now I need a personal motivator cause I've only completed 1 piece for my portfolio. I need bloody 9 more. But its pretty difficult for me to show range because I'm most comfortable drawing with pens and pencils and charcoal even. But colour is just not my thing. Everything goes wrong once I introduce colour. And I'm a horrible painter. Now this is not like the kind of idiots who know theyre awesome but say they are not in a pathetic attempt to sound modest. I really cannot paint to save my bloody life. Which is why I'm still baffled by my choice to paint for my O levels. Luckily that turned out okay but now, I have to struggle a little to find the painter in me which I'm not so sure exists. Bye for now.